“Prevagen seems to help me recall things and also think more clearly."
I am Robert Strickler. I am essentially a writer. I’ve been involved in communications in the media and in academia and corporate life for, well, 45 years.
I do two basic kinds of writing. The first for clients has to do with science and research and their impact on society. I also do some personal writing.
I’ve been an avid fly fisherman for at least 40 or more years and I fished in many places across the U.S. I’ve read every night before going to bed my whole life.
Certainly, one of the really important things in my life are our children and our grandchildren. About 10 years ago, I began to do some work for the people that were developing Prevagen. I really began to learn more, and more about the product.
I’ve been taking Prevagen on a regular basis for at least 8 years. For me, the greatest benefit over the years has been that Prevagen seems to help me recall things and also think more clearly – have a crisper ability to remember and think through things. I can’t describe it much better than that.
I am Robert Strickler, 75 years old, and I enthusiastically recommend Prevagen. It has helped me an awful lot.