Bill finds Prevagen Useful as a Brain Health Supplement
Hi, I'm Bill, and I'm from Philadelphia. I was a police officer for 37 years, I had a wonderful career. I was lucky enough to rise through the ranks. And I ended up to be a chief of police at the end of my career.
I'm currently in the process of writing two police related books, and I'm also writing down jokes because I'm a frustrated comedian. Like for people to say, well, you're not that funny, and I'll say well, in baseball. A 300 hitter goes to the Hall of fame, and that means every 10 tries, they only got three hits. So if I could tell 10 jokes and 300 were funny, I'm a 300 hitter.
My mom always said, the secret is you have to keep moving. So I just try to stay in shape at all costs. I try to run at least three days a week and I get it to. I hate running. In fact, I want to buy a shirt that says, I hate running. You know, I like to spend time with friends. People ask me, you know, if I'm a good cook and I and I tell them. The thing I make, that's really good are reservations.
I have a 38-year-old son who's an attorney. I'm so proud of him and I have two grandchildren that are absolutely the apple of my eye. Their memory just wasn't as sharp as it used to be as can obviously happen. I did not want that to happen to me. I've seen some Prevagen commercials and I decided to give it a try.
I've been taking Prevagen for over 10 years and I can honestly tell you, it works.