Patsy shares her story
“Thank you Prevagen.”
Shelley, 70
Retired Medical Office Receptionist
Shelley is one of those people who have worked diligently all their life and have made a major commitment to the health of their bodies and their brains. The good news is that all that work is paying off.
She retired recently from her 30-year career working in the offices of a podiatrist in Dublin, Ohio. As she opted for retirement in the midst of the Covid pandemic, Shelley remained focused on her own health, particularly working hard to bring her weight under better control. She joined a weight-loss support group, followed a healthy diet and stayed with a regimen of aerobic exercise.
As Shelley moved into her sixties, she had become increasingly aware that her once dependable memory had begun to decline a little. She was not the only person who noticed it.
“I knew when I hit 63 that my memory wasn’t as sharp,” she explains. “At home, my husband was getting annoyed when I could not remember things. I had always had a super memory that people always commented on.”
She continues, “I was getting scared of little lapses affecting my work. Then my sister recommended Prevagen. I was working so much better. I became almost as good as my old self.”
Shelley concludes, “Thank you, Prevagen, for saving my sanity, and the sanity of people around me.” And that no doubt must include her husband.